Chapter 16 Am I short of money? Hey, don't grab my fifty cents...

After introductions, Gu Changsheng met the owner of this jade betting parlor, Lu Guangyi.

Even if Tian Dong kept it a secret, Gu Changsheng also knew that the betting parlor definitely had shares owned by Tian Dong.

The three of them entered the parlor, and a wave of heat hit them in the face, accompanied by a boisterous uproar, bursting with the most primal impulses...

The gamblers came from all walks of life.

There were wealthy merchants, common folk, men, and women, but they could all be summed up in one term, "compulsive gamblers."

The so-called jade betting was akin to a knife-edge gamble, one cut leading to poverty, another to wealth.

Jade's exterior was wrapped in a thick layer of weathered stone skin, and no one knew what treasures it concealed within; some might strike it rich overnight, while others could lose it all.

Gu Changsheng was not familiar with jade betting.

Simply because this thing had no challenge at all; with a thought of "Spiritual Energy," everything inside the stone skin became as clear as day.

However, once he entered the parlor, he was slightly taken aback and thought to himself, "If I hadn't come here, I would have neglected something. The faint spiritual energy inside this jade could actually be somewhat beneficial for my recovery."


Tian Dong and Lu Guangyi were whispering to each other.

"Damn, Zhou Jianmin's son-in-law is a delivery guy? Old Tian, did he play you? A Global Gold Card? Even if he has it, it's probably just a useless card, taken out just to show off, right?"

Tian Dong was also bewildered. He would never mistake the card, but whether there was any money in it was another question.

And now that he thought about it, Zhou Jianmin, the rightful descendant of the Zhou Family's third branch, was broke himself. To this day, he owed Lu over a million; could his son-in-law possibly have money? That would be utterly ridiculous!

However, since the person had already arrived, they had to probe the reality of the situation.

"Gu, you've looked around a lot. Are you thinking of giving it a try?"

Gu Changsheng snapped out of his reverie when called and smiled back, "Yeah, I've seen enough. Mr. Tian, it's my first time here, how about you give me some advice?"

"No problem!" Tian Dong went forward with a beaming smile, wrapping his arm around Gu Changsheng and gesturing around, "Just my personal recommendation, there's no need to bother with those cheap stones that cost just a few thousand. You'll lose money if you do. Listen to me... with jade betting, it's all about pedigree, like the high-quality rough stones from the old pits, most of which reveal green."

"Of course, the prices are naturally high, ranging from tens of thousands to several hundred thousand, and there are even those above a million."

"However, if you, nephew Gu, are short on cash, you can also start with ones that cost tens of thousands to try your hand."

"Short on cash?" Gu Changsheng looked displeased, and he pulled out the 'Global Gold Card' in response, "Am I short of money? Am I really short of money, Mr. Tian? You must be joking!"

Such a reaction was as imposing as a mighty river.

Lu Guangyi's eyes narrowed slightly at this, and his disdainful demeanor vanished, sensing that a big fish was about to take the bait.

Tian Dong was even more thrilled, but before they could say more...

Gu Changsheng handed his card to the staff at the booth, "Come on, cut this one, the two-thousand-yuan one!"


Tian Dong and Lu Guangyi were dumbfounded.

Two-thousand-yuan ones?

Didn't he say he wasn't short of money?

Are you freaking kidding me?

Gu Changsheng, unabashed, smiled and said, "Mr. Tian, although you understand jade, I'm afraid you have some misconceptions about betting. If it's about gambling, then you have to win big with small stakes. Just watch how I make a fortune today, hahaha..."

At this moment...

Lu Guangyi wanted to curse out loud: What a nutcase!

He had thought a plump sheep had come into the fold, but it turned out to be a freaking moron!

"Heh, then you guys have fun, I've got things to do and won't keep you company," Lu Guangyi took his leave, finding it humiliating to watch the cutting of a two-thousand-yuan rough stone; he had no interest in wasting his time.

Tian Dong was speechless, feeling that this was a huge embarrassment.


A basketball-sized raw stone split in half with a 'clunk'.

And within the right half, a dazzling green shade revealed itself to the open air…

Tian Dong froze, staring blankly in place.

"Did the price... go up?"

"How is this possible?!"

The nearby staff member also had an "I've-never-seen-this-before" expression. Since he had been in charge of this stall, not a single piece of jade had been cut, but now there was a shockingly green hue before him.

"Glass type, it's glass type, a fist-sized glass type jadeite!!"

The staff member bellowed.

In an instant, people from the surrounding stalls were drawn over.

"What? Glass type!"

"Damn, how is this possible? A piece of jade from a two-thousand-yuan stone?"

"This is insane!"

"I always cut stones that are twenty thousand and up. I've spent two million up to now. Damn, if I had spent that money here, I'd be freaking rich by now!"

The whole scene boiled over…

At the same time, people started to bid, "Bro, I'll offer 800,000 for this stone, I'll take it!"


"950,000, that's my final offer!"

And finally, Tian Dong snapped out of his daze, and although he was still shocked, he hurriedly called out, "1.2 million, Gu Changsheng, sell me the jade!"

As soon as Tian Dong spoke up, the others naturally lost interest.

1.2 million, that was indeed a capstone price.

Not far away, Lu Guangyi also turned and noticed the commotion here, fiercely rubbing his eyes in disbelief and murmuring under his breath, "That's not right, these stones were clearly not for jade. They're just scrap stones used at the cement factory for making cement. How could there be jade inside? Could it be... Could it be that one accidentally got mixed in, and this kid just happened to stumble upon it?"

Lu Guangyi also came walking back over.

At this moment, everyone was waiting to witness the transaction. A profit of 1.2 million from a mere 2,000 yuan; such instant wealth was a rarity, seen perhaps only once every few months.


Gu Changsheng shook his head at Tian Dong, "Mr. Tian, sorry, I don't intend to sell this jade. I'll keep it for myself to enjoy."


It was only 1.2 million after all.

Did Gu Changsheng need money?

Of course not.

Compared to the minimal Spiritual Energy contained in the jade, money was just a bunch of useless paper, something the mundane masses couldn't understand—the benefits the jade stone could bring to Gu Changsheng.

"Alright, make way, everyone. Let me through; I still have other places to check out." Holding the stone, Gu Changsheng walked out and came up to Lu Guangyi, "Mr. Lu, could you do me a favor? Find someone to keep this for me. I still have more jade to cut. The item's with you, it won't get lost, right?"

Lu Guangyi, looking at the stone, was full of regret.

However, hearing that he was going to continue cutting, he naturally welcomed the idea.

Cut away.

The more the better, the more you cut, the more you lose, and in the end, it's still my profit.

"Rest assured, doing business means maintaining a good reputation, and mine is well-known. Come on, I'll accompany Gu Chang the Younger myself."

Tian Dong, Lu Guangyi at either side.

Meanwhile, in front of the pile of stones that just sold for 2,000, a crowd frantically began buying, lured by the possibility of turning 2,000 into a million—who wouldn't be tempted?

But just as Lu Guangyi had said, aside from that one piece, there was no second piece in that pile of rubbish stones. Gu Changsheng had accurately identified it at a glance before making his move, otherwise, he wouldn't have bothered wasting his time here.
