Chapter 45: The Ou Family's Illegitimate Child?!


Zhou Jiayi's mind was struck by lightning, exploding into a blank.

And the mysteries before her unraveled...

The land worth five hundred million was actually worth three billion!

Yet, signing the contract wasn't her intention, and the old lady's words were even more heart-piercing.

Working together from the inside out?

How could she!!

"Grandmother, grandmother! No, I never colluded with others. Changsheng and I truly love each other. I would never betray him. You can beat me, you can scold me, but you must not humiliate me!" Zhou Jiayi's head was spinning, yet she mustered the last of her strength to defend her innocence.

The old lady was uncontrollably angry, "Then tell me, why did you sell the land at such a low price? And to the Zhang Family, no less? Give me a reason! Yesterday your parents came to me, vaguely mentioning that Zhang Hai is interested in you; do you still want to argue?!"

My parents, talking nonsense in front of grandma?!