Chapter 238 The Chen Family's Recipe?


How much money was made?

Gu Changsheng had actually not considered this question...

His concept of money had always been vague since he was never short of it.

But seeing Jiao Man's spirited demeanor, he naturally began to smile as well and after thinking briefly, he said, "Six thousand sets of products, with a rough average price of about two thousand yuan each..."

He had only said this much when Gu Changsheng couldn't help pausing, "Twelve million?"

Twelve million certainly wasn't significant in Gu Changsheng's eyes, but the point was that this was the first day's sales for a new company, and reaching this figure was naturally astonishing.

Jiao Man, however, shook her head and revealed an even more unexpected number, "Fourteen million! Five million in marketing expenses counts as a discount concession, but the net profit can reach nine million!!"

"If it weren't for the insufficient quantity of our products, the net profit would have been even higher..."