Chapter 5 Disaster of Blood

The bitter taste spread across Wang Anxiong's taste buds.

After a moment of surprise, his face was immediately filled with joy. For the past two years, he hadn't been able to taste anything, and for someone who loved food, this was an inhuman form of torture.

Suddenly rising from his chair, he excitedly grabbed Shen Feng's arm, "Is this real? Has my sense of taste really returned?"

The top doctors in Wuzhou had all been helpless in the face of his condition, and he had almost given up on treatment. But now, this young man, looking like a beggar, had restored his sense of taste in just a few minutes?

Appearances can be deceiving, just like the unfathomable sea.

Wang Anxiong profoundly understood the meaning of this phrase. If he had refused Shen Feng's treatment, he would have missed the chance to regain his sense of taste.

To be able to treat his condition with just three needles, it was evident that the young man in front of him possessed exceptional medical skills.

"Young brother, I won't say too much, but I am grateful. If you have any requests, feel free to make them," Wang Anxiong said with utmost sincerity. He was fed up with the tasteless existence and believed that the young man in front of him was worth befriending.

Shen Feng shook the string of jade beads in his hand, "You've already paid the fee."

He wanted a significant amount of money so that his parents would have no worries about clothing and food, but he disliked owing favors to others.

In his view, by treating Wang Anxiong's tongue, and receiving a string of jade beads in return, their transaction was settled.

As the Immortal Emperor, earning money on Earth should be quite easy.

Wang Anxiong, unable to read any change in expression from the young man from beginning to end, found him increasingly inscrutable, "Young brother, I might be overstepping, but here is a membership card for my club. Feel free to dine there anytime you like; all the expenses will be on the house."

Wang Anxiong produced a card, purple on the front and gilded with a layer of gold on the back, that looked extremely luxurious.

Regardless of whether Shen Feng wished to accept it, Wang Anxiong pressed the card into his hands, "Young brother, it's just a membership card for my club. Surely, you won't refuse to take just a card? I truly consider you a friend."

Seeing the purple card, Su Jingyu and Fatty Qian's faces showed several traces of shock.

This was the ZY Club's Supreme Purple Card.

As the largest and most luxurious club in all of Wuzhou, getting in to spend required meeting certain criteria.

In the whole of Wuzhou, fewer than ten people possessed a Supreme Purple Card, having one was a symbol of status.

The ZY Club had twenty-eight floors, and the higher the floor you wanted to frequent, the higher level membership card you needed.

The lowest level card was the bronze card, followed by the silver, and the gold cards.

The Supreme Purple Card was the highest level of membership at the ZY Club.

Having spent a thousand years in the Immortal Realm, Shen Feng had become very easygoing. Feeling Wang Anxiong's gratitude, he casually accepted the card.

Only then did Wang Anxiong smile with satisfaction. He glared at Fatty Qian, "This young man is my benefactor. Don't you think it's time for you to show your gratitude, Fatty Qian?"

Having witnessed Shen Feng's medical skills, Fatty Qian had greatly changed his opinion about the young man who was dressed like a beggar. Knowing Wang Anxiong wanted to befriend him, he squeezed a smile onto his plump face, "Young brother, I apologize for my previous behavior. With your medical skills, those so-called famous doctors in Wuzhou indeed can't compare to you."

After all, who doesn't fall ill?

Although Shen Feng had only demonstrated his skill in treating the tongue, surely his other medical abilities wouldn't be too shabby either, right?

Regardless, today Shen Feng helped Wang Anxiong recover his sense of taste, and Fatty Qian felt he must do something in return. Despite the pain it caused him, he said, "Young brother, in my store, you are welcome to pick out anything you like."

Wang Anxiong patted Fatty Qian's shoulder, and with a smile toward Shen Feng, he said, "Young man, Fatty Qian is quite enlightened today, and here he has a treasure worth tens of millions that serves as the store's centerpiece. Let me help you pick it out!"

Fatty Qian's face completely fell, and his heart couldn't have been more depressed.

The relationship between him and Wang Anxiong was no ordinary one; it could be said that Wang Anxiong had saved his life years ago and had introduced him to more than a few deals.

He knew that Wang Anxiong was merely using him to give a gift and that he would surely compensate him afterward, but that store's centerpiece had taken quite an effort to acquire!

Ever since Wang Anxiong's sense of taste had recovered, Su Jingyu had remained dazed and hadn't snapped out of it.

She hadn't expected Shen Feng to actually restore Wang Anxiong's sense of taste. The whole treatment took just a few minutes, didn't it? This was a condition that even the experts in their hospital were powerless against!

After that, Wang Anxiong directly offered the supreme purple card. She, too, had heard about the ZY Club's highest level membership card.

In the end, Wang Anxiong was even willing to personally select an antique worth tens of millions from Fatty Qian's shop to give away. Was Shen Feng about to become a millionaire?

Shen Feng had already sensed that this shop had nothing he needed. Accepting Wang Anxiong's supreme purple card was already his limit. He said, "I don't need any other items; just help me get an ID card!"

Afterward, if he wanted to take the train or plane to see his parents, he would surely need an identity card. Having been in the Immortal Realm for a thousand years, he had long since lost his previous identity.

He hastily concocted a story, claiming that he had spent several years in the mountains with his master learning his art and had just recently emerged from the mountains, having lost his ID card.

Su Jingyu, Wang Anxiong, and the others had no reason to doubt him. Shen Feng's attire did indeed look as though he had just come out of a deep forest.

Seeing that Shen Feng truly didn't want anything from Fatty Qian's shop,

Wang Anxiong felt a bit of admiration for the young man before him. To be unmoved by tens of millions, this quality was extremely rare. "Fatty Qian, help this young brother to apply for a new ID card, that shouldn't be any problem, right?"

Fatty Qian nodded hastily, as long as he could protect his centerpiece. "Rest assured, I guarantee to have this young brother's ID card replaced by tomorrow."

Shen Feng nodded, then said to Fatty Qian, "You are in danger of a blood disaster today, it's best you don't go out."

It would be quite troublesome for him to replace his ID himself, but now that Fatty Qian was handling it, it saved him a great deal of trouble.

So as a token of gratitude, he gave Fatty Qian a warning.

Back then, when he had just arrived in the Immortal Realm, he was very interested in many things and learned a technique called the "Heaven and Earth Ultimate Fate Calculation Technique."

Not everyone in the Immortal Realm could cultivate, and there were also many ordinary people unable to practice cultivation.

The Heaven and Earth Ultimate Fate Calculation Technique was used to determine the fortunes and Feng Shui of ordinary people and did not require spiritual energy.

Of course, it was of no use to cultivators, since once one embarked on the path of cultivation, their own fate would become unpredictable and could not be determined by the Heaven and Earth Ultimate Fate Calculation Technique.

When he first stepped into the antique shop, Shen Feng noticed an ancient curved knife placed on the counter directly facing the door.

This curved knife looked as if it had some age to it, and Yin Qi was continuously emanating from it.

Moreover, the placement of the knife was directly facing the entrance.

The constant invasion of Yin Qi into the body, along with the knife facing the door directly, would severely impact the Feng Shui.

Luckily, the curved knife hadn't been placed there for long, or Fatty Qian might have already experienced an accident and died.