Chapter 9 Immortal Techniques

The park's woodland became eerily quiet.

The two men holding broken machetes trembled violently, nearly peeing themselves in fear!


Fair my ass!

Shen Feng's bare hands turned all the bones in Black Ghost's palm into powder, how immense must his strength be to achieve that?

They knew very well that the bones in Black Ghost's palm were much harder than those of an average person. With Shen Feng's strength, if he were to punch them on their heads, would they even survive?

Sun Wei and Sun Feihu could no longer keep their composure, realizing they had completely misjudged the situation. The man before them dressed like a beggar was not only impervious to swords and guns but also possessed herculean strength! He simply wasn't someone they could deal with.

But they had to finish off Xu Dong tonight, and if they allowed Xu Dong to escape, they would be in deep trouble tomorrow. Now they could only step back and let this beggar-like fellow leave.

A smile appeared on Sun Wei's face as he said, "My friend, misunderstandings are cleared by fights, right? Everything earlier was a misunderstanding."

Shen Feng furrowed his brows, ignoring Sun Wei's intentions.

He suddenly stepped forward; the two men who had slashed at Shen Feng couldn't react in time.

As Shen Feng's sweeping legs came at them, they tried to retreat, but it was a step too late.

"Bang! Bang!"

"Crack! Crack!"

Shen Feng's kick landed on their chests, and they felt an immense force. Pain painted their faces as multiple ribs in their chests snapped, leaving them lying on the ground, unable to get up again.

"You're not keeping your promise, you said one knife for one punch, but you kicked instead," complained the two men with broken bones.

Shen Feng shrugged his shoulders, "Sorry, I forgot."

He showed no sign of stopping, kicking out at the still howling Black Ghost.

His foot struck Black Ghost's spine, and a "crack!" echoed through the air.

Black Ghost fell instantly, his spine broken. Even if he survived, he would be paralyzed.

Without a second glance at the unconscious Black Ghost, Shen Feng turned his gaze to Sun Wei, "Friend? Do you think you're worthy to call me that?"

When Shen Feng was in the Immortal Realm, which of his friends wasn't an influential figure with immense power?

And such trash dared to call him friend?

Seeing Shen Feng easily take down Black Ghost and the other two, Sun Wei and Sun Feihu's faces turned extremely ugly, realizing Shen Feng was not going to let this go easily.

There was no way back for them now, having reached this point in the situation.

However, Shen Feng's skills were so formidable that they were terrified, and Sun Feihu's feet involuntarily moved away from Xu Dong.

The brothers exchanged a glance, and just as they tried to speak,

Shen Feng didn't want to waste any more time on these trash. Being interrupted while absorbing the spiritual energy from the jade bead was already making him frustrated.

He pushed off with one foot.

Even though he had lost all his cultivation, he was still many times faster than a normal person.

Sun Wei and Sun Feihu couldn't keep up with Shen Feng's speed at all, and their faces showed sheer terror. They were too late to even run away now, so they had no idea how to resist.

"Crack! Crack!—"

They felt a sharp pain in their knees as Shen Feng kicked them, shattering their kneecaps. Their bodies uncontrollably fell towards the ground.

The shattered kneecaps caused them extreme pain, and their bodies kept twisting on the ground.

Lying on the ground nearby, Xu Dong had a vacant look on his face, hardly daring to believe what he was witnessing.

From blocking Black Ghost's punch to displaying the martial arts novel prowess of being impervious to blades and spears, then to crushing the bones in Black Ghost's palm, and finally crippling both of Sun Wei and Sun Feihu's legs.

This series of events happened so swiftly that it gave him an unreal feeling.

Shen Feng glanced at Xu Dong and said, "These men are now your responsibility. I think you should be able to handle them from here on, right?"

Shen Feng didn't want to waste more time here. As he was about to leave, the recovered Xu Dong quickly said, "Benefactor, what is your name? Could you leave your contact information so I may repay you in the future?"

He looked over at the sincere Xu Dong.

Shen Feng sighed to himself, "Just play the good Samaritan this time around! Judging by this man's appearance, he should be extremely loyal and of good nature."

"Meeting here must be some kind of fate, too. If I hadn't intervened, his left hand and right foot would definitely have been useless."

Approaching Xu Dong, Shen Feng took out two of the four remaining jade beads and carefully placed the other two aside.

He squatted down.

With his right hand, he grasped the wrist of Xu Dong's left hand, whose tendons had been severed, holding the two jade beads in his right hand.

Xu Dong, clueless, asked, "Benefactor, what are you doing?"

Shen Feng didn't respond.

He channeled the Spiritual Energy within the jade beads, his Emperor King Jue circulating within his body, focusing the energy on the severed tendons of Xu Dong's hand.

Xu Dong felt a warm sensation on his wrist.

After a moment,

Shen Feng released Xu Dong's left wrist, and one of the two jade beads in his palm had turned to powder.

"Try moving it. Your left hand should be healed," Shen Feng said indifferently.


Xu Dong was still trying to process everything, but when he saw that the wound on his wrist had healed and he could move his left hand, he was completely dumbfounded!

The man before him, dressed like a beggar, had in just a short amount of time completely healed his severed tendons, and not even a scar was left? It was as if his left wrist had never been injured.

Such a method was surely not within human capability!

This was an Immortal's technique!

Recalling the previous invulnerability to weapons,

when Xu Dong looked at Shen Feng again, his expression had changed completely to one of reverence, "Benefactor, are, are you an Immortal?"

Even though Xu Dong had faced many perils before, he was still alarmed and lost his composure in the face of such divine intervention by Shen Feng. His throat was constantly swallowing saliva, he felt dry-mouthed, as if smoke would come out of his throat, and his heart was racing uncontrollably. Could it be that Immortals truly existed in this world?

Sun Wei and Sun Feihu, whose legs had been crippled, also witnessed this unbelievable scene, their expression of horror deepening, and they shared Xu Dong's speculation: This, this beggar-like youth, could he be an Immortal? How else could these feats be explained?

For a moment,

Sun Wei and Sun Feihu were plunged into endless despair and fear. Could it be that they were being punished by an Immortal for their countless misdeeds?

Once confronted with matters that defy common sense, it is inevitable for people to lose their usual composure and judgment.

Right now, Sun Wei and Sun Feihu's minds were blank.