Chapter 19: Making Money Easily

Su Jingyu insisted on going with them.

Feng Kai naturally wouldn't refuse. In front of the woman he liked, thoroughly trampling another man underfoot was something he would do with pleasure!

Shen Feng and Su Jingyu arrived at the entrance of the Taekwondo Gym in Feng Kai's car.

Feng Kai went in first to prepare.

Lagging a few steps behind, Su Jingyu pursed her lips and couldn't help but ask, "Shen Feng, are you really confident you can win against Feng Kai? His black belt in Taekwondo was earned through real skill."

Shen Feng's face was devoid of any expression, "One hundred percent confident!"

Why does that sound so familiar?

Su Jingyu remembered the time when Shen Feng treated Wang Anxiong's tongue, she had asked him the same question about his confidence?

Shen Feng's answer then was exactly the same as now.