Chapter 27 Immortal Flavor Stone

After watching Shen Feng and Wang Anxiong among others disappear from sight,

Fifth Master's entire face had swollen. He kicked Immortal Master Wu in the stomach, "Brothers, can you swallow this insult? We were thriving in Wuzhou, and now we have to leave and start over, all thanks to these three bastards."

The green-haired youth, his face full of handprints, roared, "Didn't you hear what Fifth Master said? Today, let these three fools suffer the consequences."

Fifth Master and the green-haired youth, among others, sprang into action. After all, they were used to the street life, and their fighting abilities far surpassed those of Immortal Master Wu, Big Yellow Teeth, and Curly Hair.

Soon, Immortal Master Wu and the others were curled up on the ground, feeling the kicks raining down on them, regretting why they had messed with a nemesis like Shen Feng!