Chapter 46 Ice-Fire Sextet

As the Dean, Kong Yaonian certainly didn't want too much entanglement in this matter, for fear of complications arising unexpectedly.

Seeing Zhou Kun making a bet with Shen Feng of his own accord, a hidden anger began to shimmer in his eyes.

This was sheer child's play. A person whose heart had stopped for so long, and who, despite resuscitation efforts, obviously showed no signs of recovery, was undoubtedly as good as dead. Could this so-called kid really snatch someone from the grasp of King Yama?

The major traffic accident that occurred yesterday happened near The First People's Hospital, so almost all the injured were brought to their hospital.

Now, several leaders of Wuzhou City were constantly monitoring the progress of the event! If this matter got out of hand, he as the Dean would definitely not have an easy time.

Kong Yaonian had no idea who was telling the truth. However, Zhou Kun had witnesses on his side for now.