Chapter 53 Misunderstanding

Shen Feng moved too quickly.

Zheng Wanqing rushed to the collapsed hollow, but she was too late to stop him. Peering into the pitch-dark abyss, her vision was completely obstructed.

She wondered whether or not she should climb down. With her skills, such a height wasn't a challenge, yet her mind was preoccupied, thinking if the words Shen Feng had said in the sickroom were true at all?

Would her father really wake up within the next two days? Were her grandfather's and uncle's Jade Pendants truly problematic?

Recalling her encounters with Shen Feng from the first meeting until present, his words and actions indeed resembled those of a master.

If everything were true, then a master like Shen Feng surely wouldn't misconduct himself with her sister.