63. No Regrets in This Life

The bus started slowly.

Apart from the driver, everyone else on the bus was a passenger from the plane.

Law enforcement and medical personnel followed the bus in off-road vehicles and ambulances, ready to address any incidents that might arise along the way.

Shen Feng took a seat in the middle of the bus. He glanced at the injured elder and the middle-aged man, sighing softly before flicking his fingers gently towards them.

A stream of Spiritual Energy entered their wounds, and they immediately felt a cool sensation within, no longer experiencing any pain.

The old man and the middle-aged man saw what Shen Feng did. Knowing the changes in their bodies were entirely caused by the master's Immortal techniques, they approached and knelt before Shen Feng, full of reverence and fear.

The Spiritual Energy had only temporarily relieved the injuries of the two men; they would still need to go to the hospital for treatment.