Chapter 69 Monster

What on earth just happened?

The bullet that was supposed to blow up Shen Feng's head inexplicably slowed down in speed?

And at the end, he just casually caught it in his hand?

Luo Jiande and Luo Zhiyong could no longer remain calm. Could it be that there was something wrong with the gun just now?

Luo Jiande, looking at Shen Feng who was walking towards them, urgently shouted, "What are you standing there for?"

The men in black, awakened by the shout, aimed their dark muzzles at Shen Feng and quickly pulled the triggers.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!——"

Bullets sped towards Shen Feng, and at the same time, Luo Jiande and the others watched him closely. They wanted to believe that what had just happened was an accident, that it was entirely due to a malfunction of the gun.

Unfortunately, the outcome was destined to disappoint them.