Chapter 72 Reunion

The needle, which had previously stopped spinning,

began to tremble violently on the surface of the water as Shen Feng's fingers ceaselessly divined.

Water within the cup churned, spilling droplets onto the table.

Next to him, Wang Anxiong held his breath, only to see these scattered droplets slowly forming a roadmap on the table.

The water in the cup grew more turbulent until finally, all the water had spilled out of the cup.

Shen Feng pointed at the cup, and the needle suddenly flew out.

There was a "thud!"

The tip of the needle pierced straight into the tabletop.

The thick moonlight in the room gradually faded away, revealing the roadmap on the table, extending outward from the center of the villa.

The needle had pierced exactly through a location on the roadmap, marking where Shen Feng's parents currently were.

He memorized the roadmap in his mind, and with a wave of his arm, the droplets on the table scattered away.