Chapter 136: Pit of the Dead

Cai Zhi's face was full of rage.

He wished he could slap Zhao Yi across the face and fly him away, couldn't he just shut his damned mouth?

Who was Shen Feng?

This was an Immortal with Heaven-reaching Innate Ability! It had been unexpectedly smooth for Cai Zhi to invite the master to the Cai Family home.

With the master accompanying him back to the Cai Family, he wasn't the least bit worried about his father anymore; he had been pondering how to establish a connection with the master!

Who would have thought that starting with Cai Juanlan, everyone had failed to show the proper attitude, he felt extremely guilty: "From now on, anyone who dares to speak ill of the master, I will have them immediately thrown out of the residence."

"Remember, I said thrown out, not walk out, no exceptions."

Cai Zhi's gaze swept over Zhao Yi, Sun Dongquan, Cai Chunlong, and Cai Juanlan in turn.