Chapter 156: Stunned

The temperature in the room kept rising.

The fiery red glow that flashed across the talisman paper was now several degrees more dazzling.

As the glow retracted into the talisman paper, a smile emerged at the corner of Shen Feng's mouth upon seeing the slightly more complex pattern than before.

The Fireball Talisman he had created in the Immortal Realm was more complicated than the one he was recreating now.

However, although the Fireball Talisman he created this time was simplified, the pattern sketched on the talisman paper was even more profound, and its power definitely would not be less than the one he had created before.

After crafting the brand-new Fireball Talisman, Shen Feng used all the remaining talisman paper to craft these talismans.

The next day.

Just as day was breaking.

Cai Zhi and Cai Heguang drove to Hell Training Camp, as the Cai Family had intended to host a banquet for Shen Feng the night before.

But Shen Feng had returned very late from Mass Grave.