Chapter 203 Closure

Uncle Zhong and Ji Yunhan remained in the plaza, not accompanying Shen Feng to the Earthflame Testing Ground.

About twenty minutes after following Xiang Guangzhen and Xiang Hengming, Shen Feng could clearly feel the temperature around him rising. However, it was still within the tolerable range for ordinary humans.

Eventually, Xiang Guangzhen and Xiang Hengming stopped with Shen Feng in front of the entrance to an ancient stone chamber.

The door to the entire stone chamber stood wide open, with rolling heat waves ceaselessly sweeping out from within.

Ordinary people standing at the entrance of the stone chamber would undoubtedly be unable to bear it, sustaining severe burns over large areas of their skin.

Xiang Guangzhen said respectfully, "Senior, this is the Taiyi Sect's Earthflame Testing Ground. Do you need us to accompany you inside?"

Shen Feng casually replied, "No need."

After saying this, he stepped into the Earthflame Testing Ground.