Chapter 246 Fun! Interesting!

Tang Kexin jogged over to Shen Feng's side, sensing various expressions of surprise and shock in the gymnasium. She knew that her brother Shen Feng couldn't possibly have scored zero.

She recalled how she applied to Tianhai Medical University solely because of this brother she had never met, wanting to win honor for this brother with no blood relation to her.

And now her brother Shen Feng, relying on himself, had stood up again. The glory of this moment, she knew, was hard-earned.

Just as Tang Kexin thought, the dazzle now was indeed not easy to come by. After all, Shen Feng had struggled in the Immortal Realm for a thousand years to become what he was today—so many brushes with death! So many perilous encounters!

Seeing Tang Kexin looking at him with utmost admiration, Shen Feng gently touched her head and glanced toward the distance at Qin Ruiyuan and Dong Anna.