Chapter 300 Secret Stash

A hand clasped Huo Yanbin's neck, and Shen Feng's other hand waved casually.

Two streams of Spiritual Energy burst forth quickly from his palm and swept toward where Shen Anmin and Zhang Xuezheng were sleeping.

After the two gentle streams of Spiritual Energy entered Shen Anmin and Zhang Xuezheng's bodies, they would be able to sleep more soundly and not be awakened by the noise here.

Shen Feng didn't want Shen Anmin and Zhang Xuezheng to be frightened. After all, they had never had any contact with cultivators or ultra-capables before.

Given that, Shen Feng wanted to protect them well and let them live carefree lives.

Xu Nansheng, Xu Ziyi, and Xu Huifang had difficulty swallowing. Huo Yanbin was once a legendary figure in the world of ultra-capables! They had just started worrying, but this legendary figure seemed completely powerless in Shen Feng's hands?

Was this old man really the King of Manipulation, Huo Yanbin, from the rumors of the past?

He's so weak! Isn't he?