310 The true strong one

Shen Jifu's rage swelled in his heart. He had invested much in Shen Tianzhi, watching his disciple rise step by step, but Shen Feng had ruined it all. He took out a talisman from his body, bit his finger to draw blood, and began chanting some sort of incantation.

The next second.

The talisman paper shot up into the sky.

Afterward, he took out a second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth talisman from his body.

Using the same method, these pieces of talisman paper also flew into the sky.

The six pieces of talisman paper formed a circle in mid-air and began to spin slowly, emitting a layer of blue light.

Shen Jifu's actions didn't stop there; he then took out a blue spherical bead the size of a baby's fist.