Chapter 325 Fiancée?

Shen Feng and his companions were unaware that Shen Qishan and others were also on their way to Death Island.

Following the flow of people, they disembarked from the ship and casually began to survey their surroundings.

Those ultra-capables and cultivators who had already arrived at Death Island would sense the new arrivals to determine who were ordinary people and who were ultra-capables and cultivators!

This time, only the Federation of the Ultra-capable knew the precise location of the Divine Secret Treasures; they were simply waiting here, biding their time for the strong members of the Federation to appear nearby.

However, once the Divine Secret Treasures were opened, a chaotic battle would likely ensue, so many sought to find powerful individuals they could cooperate with; only in a strong team could one hope to share in the profits from the Divine Secret Treasures.

No one approached Shen Feng and Xu Huifang's group.