Chapter 356: Are You Patient Now?

Kraun spoke and simultaneously pulled a black remote control from his pocket, pressing a red button on it.

This remote control must have served as a signal, as upon one of the other four warships, ultra-capable grandmasters of varying strengths stepped onto the decks, their eyes all instantly focusing on Shen Feng. The warships' cannons and other large-scale firepower were all aimed at him as well.

One after another, bombers began to take off from the aircraft carrier, circling the sky above Shen Feng's head as if they were ready to attack at any moment.

Kraun looked at the series of changes on the surrounding warships and aircraft carrier with a confident smile on his face. With modern technology so advanced, cannons, missiles, bombers, and nuclear bombs, among other high-tech weapons, were never-ending. Even special class ultra-capable grandmasters and peak Innate grandmasters would probably be unable to survive under these high-tech weapons.