Chapter 44 Bodyguard Company

Lin Xinru didn't even know why she was so angry. Logically speaking, she and Chen Feng were only in a sham marriage, not a real husband and wife, so why should she care about these things? Why did it bother her whether Chen Feng came to pick her up or not? Why was she so mad upon smelling another woman's perfume on Chen Feng last night?

Anyway, she was angry now, and if people familiar with her saw her like this, they would be utterly shocked. This was clearly the natural reaction of a woman in love feeling jealous!

"Well, wife, I'm sorry, I had some things to do today and I totally spaced on picking you up for lunch. I promise it won't happen again next time," Chen Feng apologized.

"Hmph! Who is your wife? Don't keep calling me 'wife' so affectionately, left and right. Don't forget, I paid you to act, not to go finding other women," she snapped.

"Me, finding other women? When did I ever go find other women? Wife, you can't wrong me like this!" Chen Feng protested loudly.