Chapter 52 S-Class Invitation Card

Lin Xinru and Sima Huimin, this pair of close girlfriends, were both stunning in their own right. If other men had seen that enchanting scene just now, they would definitely be beating their chests and howling mournfully, begging the heavens, wondering why it was not themselves who had reached out with those "magic" hands.

"I don't believe a word you're saying. Spill the beans, is there or isn't there anything?" Sima Huimin, feeling envious of Lin Xinru's more ample figure, urged.

"What thing are you talking about?"

Lin Xinru suddenly grabbed her pair of "magic" hands to stop her from further groping, feigning ignorance.

"You know, that thing..."

Sima Huimin was relentless, determined to get her to confess.

"Which thing exactly?"

"I mean... I mean, have you and Chen Feng, you know, done that thing?"