56th Chapter: Three Moves is Too Many

Tang Long had taken a punch and had already fallen out of the ring, but Wang Kun was not willing to let it go. He jumped out after him, intending to kill him on the spot. The boss had said that if he was not willing to serve him, he must not be allowed to leave alive.

Chen Feng stepped across and blocked in front of Tang Long, smiling at Wang Kun, "Friend, my wife once said, 'Where you can forgive, you should.' The fight is already over and we're off the platform. There's no need to go to such extremes, right?"

Chen Feng's demeanor was lax, as though he were a clueless youth.

"Kid, don't meddle in other people's business, step aside, or I'll kill you along with him!" Wang Kun could not gauge Chen Feng's strength and took him for a commoner, not paying heed to his words.

"He has already admitted defeat and left the ring. According to the boxing rules, you can't kill him," Chen Feng said, still in the same manner, picking his nose unhurriedly.