Chapter 68: Hacker Battle 1

"Archie, Archie, get online quick, something big has gone down on the net..." a young man called out excitedly over the communication tool to his good friend.

Luoo Hua was the webmaster of a famous hacker website in Huaxia, and as soon as he logged on, he saw that America's networks were under attack by hackers. Many American public service websites had been hacked, displaying various declarations by the International Anti-War Organization, mostly demanding American troops get out of Iraq.

"I see it, I'm online right now. It's terrifying, I never thought the hackers from the International Anti-War Organization were this powerful. In less than half an hour, they've already breached Tennessee's public transportation network, and now they're attacking Nevada's network..." a middle-aged man's voice came through the communicator, filled with disbelief.