Chapter 66 Statue of Liberty

"Statue of Liberty" was the codename used by Lin Xiaoqi in the hacking world, taken from America's own Statue of Liberty, but in reality, she had another lesser-known identity: apart from being a hacker, she was also a member of the International Anti-War Organization, a fact not even her family knew about.

In the CIA's hacker wanted list, Statue of Liberty ranked eighth, while the second rank was occupied by "Black Emperor." Speaking of the Black Emperor, many people might be unfamiliar with him because he's not as notorious as the hacker godfather Kevin Mitnick. He has always been mysterious and low-key, almost no one knows his real identity. But his destructive power is even greater than that of Kevin Mitnick. He is like a thorn in the CIA's side, a constant irritant that they just can't seem to capture.