Chapter 92: Marvels Created by Ghosts and Gods

"Brother Feng..."

Lin Xiaoqi opened her eyes, and seeing Chen Feng right in front of her, she happily called out.

She had been restrained by the old nun in her sleep last night, so she wasn't very clear about her own kidnapping. Chen Feng, to avoid worrying her, hadn't mentioned the incident to her.

"Awake now, you little lazy pig? Get out of bed, the sun is already up high." Seeing that Lin Xiaoqi was alright, Chen Feng immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, kiss me and I'll get up," Lin Xiaoqi said in a coquettish manner.

Chen Feng, finding her young girlish manner both amusing and exasperating, had no choice but to give her a peck on the cheek and said, "Okay, time to get up like a good girl. I have a gift to give you later."

"A gift for me?"

At the mention of a gift, Lin Xiaoqi's eyes immediately lit up, and she no longer felt like staying in bed. She rolled over, quickly climbed out of bed, and ran to the bathroom to freshen up.