Chapter 89: Dead End 2

Huixin suddenly struck like lightning, reaching out with a large hand toward Lin Xiaoqi's shoulder, intending to subdue her in one fell swoop and forcibly take her away. Chen Feng, who had been watching the drama unfold for quite some time, didn't know whether to laugh or to be angry. What era was it now that there were still people forcing others into becoming nuns? It seemed that this old nun must have become ordained at a young age and didn't quite understand common human interactions, not to mention having been out of touch with modern society for far too long.

Huixin's hand was fast, but Chen Feng's was even faster. Before Huixin could touch Lin Xiaoqi, her arm was already blocked by Chen Feng, who placed himself in front of Lin Xiaoqi and looked unapologetically at the old nun, "This esteemed nun, please conduct yourself with dignity. If my friend does not wish to become a nun, why force her against her will?"