Chapter 136: Retribution

In the world, every matter and substance, every consideration and contemplation, righteousness and opposition, cause and consequence are linked; there's never senseless hatred nor love without reason. If you get down to it, Sunx Qilin had only himself to blame and didn't deserve any pity.

By Chen Feng's previous standards, a person like Sunx Qilin wouldn't have gotten his help at all. This time, he intervened solely on account of his father, Sunx Zhiwen, who was turning one hundred years old. Of course, the real motivator for Chen Feng's assistance was his father's five-hundred-year-old Ginseng King.

"Resolving this matter isn't particularly difficult, nor is it easy. It requires the bell ringer to undo the ringing. If you can manage to obtain that girl's father's forgiveness, then you'll have no problems, but if you can't..."