Chapter 168: Seven-Colored Bracelet

After emerging from the Eight Righteous District shop, Tang Ning's face was clouded with worry. She couldn't make heads or tails of terms like "Yao Sect" or "witch." It all sounded like gibberish to her. However, she could glean from the conversation between Chen Feng and the hunchbacked old man that these people were indeed responsible for her father's murder.

Chen Feng took Tang Ning to buy two red strings before driving home. Once there, he crafted the strings into two bracelets and handed one to Tang Ning, instructing her to wear it on her right wrist. The other bracelet was for Madam Tang to wear.

These weren't ordinary bracelets but rather "Seven-Colored Bracelets," designed to ward off malevolent spirits. Wearing them could prevent Tang Ning from being invaded by evil energy again, but this was only a temporary measure. To truly solve the problem, the reason for Tang Jicong's death needed to be uncovered.