Chapter 203: Dying Through Thousands of Tribulations, Reborn in the Bitter Sea

"Mr. Tang Tianqiong, you are suspected of the murder of Mr. Tang Jicong, and of hiring someone to kill and rob, causing death for profit, this is the arrest warrant from the court, please come with us for an investigation,"

Tang Tianqiong, or Tang Ning's third cousin once removed, his face turned ashen and he trembled uncontrollably at the sight of the police at the door and the warrant they presented; his legs went weak. The display of the arrest warrant signified that the police held substantial evidence to prove the deeds he had committed.

A pair of shiny handcuffs clicked as they were fastened around his wrists. Tang Tianqiong was escorted into the police car by the officers. Due to the unique nature of the case, many details could not be disclosed to the public, and Tang Tianqiong naturally became the chief culprit, with the case not even being subjected to a public trial.