Chapter 229 Thousand Pounds Weight

In less than three days, the power of Hesheng Hall was entirely uprooted, with no exemption granted. Every figure in the underworld fell silent, feeling uneasy and unsure about what exactly had happened to Hesheng Hall. How could such a colossal figure in the underworld be annihilated in a mere three days? Could it be the work of someone official?

The situation was bewildering, with no one daring to take over Hesheng Hall's territory. Over these days, senior police officials had met with their bosses one by one, but they all swore that they had nothing to do with the incident. They claimed that not only were they individually incapable of such an act, but even if they had joined forces, it would have been beyond them.

If it wasn't a case of gang-on-gang violence, nor the police's doing, then who was it?