Chapter 233 Nirvana Rebirth

Chen Shixun's heart leapt with joy. As he had guessed, Caesar was indeed a Huaxia person. He had studied many of Caesar's files and found that both his capabilities and style deeply embodied that of Huaxia. The only thing was, every time Caesar appeared, he would wear a mask, thus no one dared to be sure. Now, having got a definite answer from Chen Feng, Chen Shixun finally resolved the puzzle in his heart.

"You people from the special operations team can rest assured and need not send those pups to sniff around for my whereabouts. I've come back to Huaxia not to target any forces, nor do I plan any major moves. This is my homeland; I just wish to come back for a rest. I hope you won't disturb me, otherwise..."

Chen Feng didn't finish his sentence, but the wooden case by his side suddenly "whooshed" into movement. The knife inside seemed as if it wanted to break free from its shell.