Chapter 260 Rescue

Gong Yinping had never slept in a hammock overnight before, let alone in the midst of a terrifying jungle. The sounds of various animals moving about echoed from afar. She would worry about snakes crawling in one moment, and spiders the next. She simply couldn't fall asleep. The slightest move she made caused the hammock to sway, making it impossible for her to drift off.

Opening her eyes, she saw Chen Feng sitting cross-legged by the campfire, tending to the firewood. A warm feeling instantly filled her heart. She called out softly, "Brother Feng."

Chen Feng turned his head upon hearing her voice and asked, "Haven't fallen asleep yet? Can't sleep?"

"No, it's not that, Brother Feng... I can't sleep, I'm a little scared," Gong Yinping said, curling up and looking over at Chen Feng.

"Silly girl, what's there to be afraid of with me here?" Chen Feng said with a chuckle.