Chapter 264 Rare Rest

Warsaw Restaurant was a vacation eatery located by the seaside in Star Sea City. Above its second floor, there was a wooden platform extending outwards, overlooking the crystal clear seawater below. Sitting here, comfortably enjoying a meal with the sea breeze, was undeniably a very comfortable and romantic experience.

After returning from Hong Kong, Chen Feng had immediately reserved a table here. He planned to treat Lin Xinru to a meal today and had even uncharacteristically bought a large bouquet of roses to give her, intending to properly cultivate the feelings between them.

"Now that I've advanced to the Innate level, you old fart, you have no excuse to stop me and Little Xin from... you know,"

Chen Feng was shaking his legs, muttering complaints about his own old man under his breath. He had thought this guy had really learned to be romantic, but it turned out that the old man had an ulterior motive beyond the wine.