Chapter 275: Protecting Oneself and Saving Lives

"I don't know yet, you take Zhang Xiaofeng and leave first, I'll go check it out," Chen Feng said as he got out of the car.

"Mr. Chen, be careful yourself," Song Xiaoqian knew she couldn't be of much help. The best thing she could do was not to create more chaos for him, so she immediately took the driver's seat.

"Don't worry, remember not to wander off after you go back. The situation might have changed. Wait for me in the house, I will naturally come to find you once I'm done with the matter."

Chen Feng had no time for more words. After leaving that message, he tapped the ground with the tip of his foot, and his figure was already dozens of meters away. Song Xiaoqian and Zhang Xiaofeng watched, dumbfounded. Did Chen Feng just... just use Qinggong? Or were their eyes deceiving them?