Chapter 295 Fearless of Heaven and Earth

Huo Tianyu extended his hand toward Lei Ayoudo, only to find that she agilely dodged away.

Huo Tianyu had long been salivating over his servant girl but had yet to succeed in obtaining her. Every time, Lei Ayoudo would elude him with various excuses.

"Young Master, I'm fine, maybe just a bit tired lately," Lei Ayoudo said in a pure voice.

Huo Tianyu, looking at his empty hand that caught nothing, could only retract it dejectedly. Knowing that haste wouldn't get him anywhere, he didn't mind and touched his nose, saying, "Then you should rest a bit. I'll go down and deal with them."

"Young Master, I think... I want to go home for a visit," Lei Ayoudo said a bit disappointedly, noticing Huo Tianyu didn't believe her.

"Go home? Now is a critical time. If we leave now..."

Huo Tianyu had invested a fortune in the project to win over these people and did not want any accidents.