Chapter 309 Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself

Ma Weiming stared at the phone as the line went dead, slightly stunned. Then, he immediately redialed and spoke to another person on the phone, "Hello, hi, I'm looking for General Desai."

After a moment, a rough voice came through the phone, "This is Desai. Who's this?"

"General Desai, hello, I am Ma Weiming..."

No sooner had Ma Weiming announced his name than the other party hung up with a click. When he tried to call back, the operator, unapologetically, said, "Sorry, Mr. Ma, the General is not available."

Furious, Ma Weiming violently threw the phone onto the ground. He hadn't expected even General Desai to rebuff him. Of course, in the Middle East, to seek asylum, his family had given at least a billion in funds to feed this wolf. Now, to his surprise, they turned against him just like that.