Chapter 315 Bite Me if You Dare

Ma Jing's attitude stunned Ma Weiming; he hadn't thought that his adoptive sister would be so ruthless. Seeing her ready to wash her hands of the matter, he anxiously exclaimed, "Xiao Jing, do you really want to see our entire Ma Family wiped out? One of your nephews remains unconscious to this day, and the other has lost the response in his limbs. Moreover... moreover, your elder brother and niece have both been kidnapped—neither alive nor dead have been seen. Are you truly willing to just stand by and watch our Ma Family fall to ruin?"

After listening silently, Ma Jing lifted her head and said to Ma Weiming, "That's enough, no need to say more. This time, I will help you, considering it as repaying a debt of gratitude to the Ma Family. After this, don't come looking for me again."