Chapter 339: The Elegant Thief (Part 2)

Even the pilot flying the plane was unclear about what had just happened. The aircraft hadn't encountered any turbulence, so why had it suddenly shaken? Could something have hit the plane, like a bird perhaps?

The pilots didn't dare to take any chances; after all, this was about the lives of several hundred passengers on the plane. So, they immediately contacted the control tower to see if a reason could be found.

Fortunately, the shaking of the plane had been brief and hadn't adversely affected the flight. After about an hour, the plane safely landed at the international airport of Star Sea City.

As Chen Feng disembarked, the flight attendant who had been smitten by him gave him a suggestive look at the door, hinting for him to call her if he had time. Chen Feng had just experienced the bizarre events of "The Adornment of Lushen" and had no interest in romance. He saw Xie Lingling already pushing her luggage out of the apron and hurriedly chased after her with a brisk jog.