Chapter 341: The Unswipeable Card (Four More)

"Alright, sir, please wait a moment."

The cashier received the card that Chen Feng handed over with both hands respectfully, glanced at it, and to her surprise, discovered that the card was black. Aside from a chip, it only bore a signature that was written in a flamboyant manner, which made her pause and say, "Sir, I'm sorry, we can't process this card here. Do you have another card?"

"It can't be processed?"

Chen Feng, who had just noticed Daddy's figure disappearing outside the door, focused his attention on his own card. It turned out that he had accidentally handed the cashier a Black Dragon Card from Swiss Bank. Although this black card was a limited-issue bank card from Swiss Bank, with only a few hundred people around the world possessing it, it was not commonly accepted in many places in Huaxia because it was not part of the VISA credit card system, so of course, it couldn't be processed.