Chapter 347: The Chase (Five Updates)

From the rearview mirror of the car, one could see a heavy-duty motorcycle persistently following behind Xie Lingling's vehicle. As they changed lanes, so did the motorcycle; as they altered their route, the motorcycle mirrored the change. The rider was none other than Chen Feng. It was just that he wore a helmet that concealed his identity from Xie Lingling.

"Hold on a moment, there's just one person following us. We don't yet know his intentions; it could very well be a misunderstanding. Make a call, and have the Xie Family bodyguards intercept him. Our status here is rather sensitive, and I don't want to cause a commotion at this time."

Xie Lingling wasn't very worried. The car she was in was bulletproof, so even if the pursuer had any intentions, he wouldn't be able to harm her for the time being. At the moment, the most important thing was to clear up the misunderstanding with her teacher; nothing else mattered.

"Yes, Miss," the bodyguard-cum-driver replied respectfully.