Chapter 350: The Evil Sect Vegetarian Restaurant (Third Update)

Chen Feng, while not a gourmet connoisseur, had always been quite discerning with flavors. Surprisingly, the vegetarian dishes in this modest temple were quite exceptional. The taste was on par with those ritzy hotels outside, and the ambiance here surpassed that of the starred establishments. Chen Feng realized only after his arrival that this vegetarian restaurant was not easily accessible to the general public; you either had to book a week in advance or be a person of high status. Guests here were provided with private dining rooms free from disturbance.

They would cook ingredients like taro, sweet potatoes, wild greens, and mushrooms in vegetable oil, and with skillful combinations, they achieved dishes full of color, aroma, and flavor, all at a hefty price no cheaper than a feast of abalone outside. No wonder Xie Lingling had invited him here to dine.