Chapter 222: Betting Life (13th Update)

Ye Ling cursed angrily, "What a bunch of trash; if you can't do it, doesn't mean others can't."

"What's wrong with using a sword with Shenfeng? Who said you can't use a sword? Can't pick on words properly and you blame us?"

"If you don't have the strength, then don't yell around here, you embarrassing piece of crap. Killing you would dirty my hands," Ye Ling spat viciously.

Everyone was speechlessly mute, what can you do when faced with someone like this?

You can't outtalk him, you can't beat him, and he's completely unreasonable. Forget it, forget it. Let's not stoop to his level; a freak like him will have his comeuppance.

Seeing that nobody was speaking, Ye Ling pursued with another taunt, "A bunch of good-for-nothing cowards, too scared to even speak—what's the point of living?"

"It's a waste of air for you to live, a waste of land when you die, and a waste of Huaxia Currency when you're barely alive."