Chapter 25 Distinguished Guests


Chu Mo's mother worked in a state-owned enterprise with mediocre performance, registering memberships; with a fixed salary of four to five thousand a month, it was a relaxed and comfortable job.

His father was a designer at a private advertising company. Since his mother had an "iron rice bowl" job, the family only allowed for one child. Adding to that, the firstborn, Chu Mo, was a boy, so he quite straightforwardly became an only child.

In the previous generation, his father had two siblings, making Chu Mo the nephew of an uncle and an aunt.

The aunt married far away, and for the first few years, she managed to return for the holidays. However, after that, contact became less frequent, and in recent years, even during New Year's celebrations, she was rarely seen.

As for the uncle's family, it was a different story, quite prosperous and fruitful.

The uncle had five children, four girls and a boy, stopping only after the birth of a son on the fifth try.