Chapter 23 Invite Me for a Drink

Her delicate foot was grasped.

Mi Ying trembled all over.

She collapsed on the sofa, powerless.

Lu Yang's hands were scorching hot, as if endowed with infinite magic, instantly disarming her with no resistance.

So, last time, it wasn't that she didn't want to kick Lu Yang away immediately.

She really couldn't.

"Sister-in-law, how do you feel?"

Lu Yang's hands roamed over her delicate feet. Although this time Mi Ying, the sister-in-law, was not wearing a miniskirt but pants and he could not enjoy the view under the skirt.

Just watching the blushing, seductively charming demeanor of sister-in-law Mi Ying already set Lu Yang's passion ablaze, his eyes blinking as he entered a special state of practice.

Mi Ying kept her eyes tightly shut, neither answering nor knowing how to respond.

In her heart, she really struggled, telling herself not to do this, never to sink.

But the intense stimulation spread throughout her body, making it too precious to let go.