Chapter 26 My Dad is Li Gang

Chen Zida was stunned.

"Where did this brat come from, daring to interfere in his affairs? Was he tired of living?"

Lin Suqing was also stunned.

Lu Yang actually dared to embrace her!

Having never had such close contact with a man before, her body stiffened.

"You, go stay wherever it's cool. Don't harass my girlfriend again."

Lu Yang began to expel Chen Zida, thinking that since he was helping Lin Suqing out of a tight spot, she must be grateful and would surely speak well of him to Lin Qingxue.

Although Lu Yang knew that during the matchmaking encounter, his resistance and reluctance were apparent, and Now suddenly making such a big change, setting aside what Lin Qingxue might feel, he himself felt like a total lapdog.


For the sake of cultivation, to advance to the Golden Core Level sooner, to no longer be threatened and affected by the inability to break his virginity...

Enduring some humiliation for now was somewhat excusable.