Chapter 54: More Than Stunning

Lu Yang noticed Pang Duoduo's fondness for him.

If it wasn't for Lin Qingmei sticking around, he felt Pang Duoduo probably wouldn't mind some more intimate gestures with him.

This shocked him.

Are the young girls these days so open?

Even knowing he has a wife, she still flirts so blatantly.

Or is it that his charm is just a bit too overwhelming, capturing Pang Duoduo's heart with such ease?

Yes, it must be the latter!

His charm is just too great.

Alas, this damned irresistible charm...

The room was cleaned up.

Even Lin Qingmei's room was taken care of.

In reality, nothing was missing in the room, the bedding was all new, and there was no need for cleaning. Saying they were tidying up was merely organizing their luggage.

Lu Yang didn't actually help much throughout the process.

However, he did play the role of driver afterwards.

He drove Lin Qingmei and Pang Duoduo back to Lin Yongfu's home.

They were all going to have dinner there.