Chapter 59: Beating Indicates Affection, Scolding Shows Love

Lin Qingxue didn't feel like she had done anything wrong.

What's wrong with snapping at Lu Yang a couple of times?

After all, the topic in question was taboo in the first place.

It was wrong of Lu Yang to bring up what shouldn't be touched upon.

But she understood even more that reasoning with grandpa, that stubborn old man, would get her nowhere.

So, although feeling aggrieved, she still planned to apologize obediently.

She would take her revenge on Lu Yang ruthlessly once she got back.

"Grandpa, if caring about you is a mistake, then we are all unforgivable!"

"Besides, among us young people these days, we play differently from your generation. Hitting is intimacy, scolding is love. Qin Xue is yelling at me because she cares, and let me tell you quietly, I'm really happy about it!"

"Come, come, I'll help you into the house. I still have to test you on some tricks of the health-preserving fist. We can't allow even the smallest mistake in that."