Chapter 65 I Like Sleeping Nude

Lin Qingxue's house had a complete set of printing equipment.

So, she quickly drafted a product transfer agreement.

And she also carefully indicated that Lu Yang must unconditionally cooperate with the group's R&D department in research on the product's universality and all other marketability studies.

"Sign it," Lin Qingxue said with a cold smile at the corner of her mouth.

The true value of this product was something Lin Qingxue was very clear about.

So, was Lu Yang really willing to give it to her for nothing?

She was about to reveal Lu Yang's hypocritical facade.

Then kick him out of her room.

Lu Yang glanced over the agreement, making sure it didn't contain anything about kicking him out of the room or not being able to share a bed, and then he decisively signed his name.

Lin Qingxue was stunned.

She had been waiting to hear Lu Yang's reason for refusing to sign.

She had even imagined some possible excuses Lu Yang could come up with and had prepared her rebuttals.