Chapter 71 What an Asshole

"I'm sorry, did I see something I shouldn't have?"

Pang Duoduo apologized as she spoke, but her eyes seemed to sparkle, full of gossip.

"What shouldn't you have seen? My wife giving me money to spend, what's there to make a fuss about?" Lu Yang boasted while flaunting the bank card in his hand, like a victorious general.

This really left Pang Duoduo at a loss for words.

"Duo Duo, is Qing Mei still in bed?" Lin Qingxue thought to herself that she had seen her sister get up earlier, so why hadn't she come downstairs yet.

"She's so lazy, she sent me down to find something for her to eat..." Pang Duoduo pouted, looking like someone who had been wronged.

"Well, there's not much good stuff to eat at home, how about I order some takeout for you? I have already told the auntie to start staying at home from today and to prepare everything." Lin Qingxue said apologetically as she pulled out her phone to order takeout: "Duo Duo, what do you feel like eating?"